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FrameWork CIP-ICT-PSP-2013-7
Contract Number: 601023
Full Name Ambrosia: Europeana Food and Drink
Participants http://foodanddrinkeurope.eu/
Budget €152000
Duration 2014-2016 (30 months)
Description The objective of AMBROSIA is to promote the wider reuse of the digital cultural resources available through Europeana by the Creative Industries to boost creativity and business development across Europe. In order to provide a strong thematic identity which will connect the public, Creative Industries and the culture sector, AMBROSIA will focus on the subject of Europe¢s food and drink culture, with a specific emphasis on 3 themes: My Food and Drink Life –focusing on the personal and domestic aspects of food and drink; Food and Drink in the Community –focusing on the social and community aspects of food and drink; The Food and Drink Industry - focusing on the cultivation, manufacture, production and distribution of food and drink. AMBROSIA will achieve its objective by delivering 4 connected tracks of activity: In the Content Track, we will discover, prepare, license and upload to Europeana 50,000-70,000 unique high-quality digital assets and their associated metadata; In the Public Engagement Track, we will engage the public, retailers and distributors in campaigns, piloting and crowd activities to encourage them to share and make use of food and drink-related content; In the Creative Applications track, we will work with Creative Industry partners to develop a suite of 9 innovative creative and commercial applications, deliver 3 Open Innovation Challenges and extend the Europeana Open Labs network; In the Learning Track, we will develop and share new knowledge, understanding and guidance on successful public/private partnerships focussed on digital cultural content. The AMBROSIA Work Plan will be supported by structured project management, continuity planning and a strand of proactive communication and dissemination.
URL http://foodanddrinkeurope.eu/ 
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