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Project EUscreenXL
FrameWork CIP-ICT-PSP.2012.2.1
Contract Number: 325100
Full Name EUscreenXL, the pan-European audiovisual aggregator for Europeana
Participants http://www.blogeuscreen.nina.gov.pl/project-partners
Budget €308,200
Duration 2013-2016 (36 months)
Description EUscreenXL is a three-year project that aggregates a comprehensive body of professional audiovisual content and makes it accessible through Europeana and the EUscreenXL portal. The project consortium consists of 22 leading audiovisual archives, excellent media scholars, skilled technical service providers and the EBU. The partnership has established alliances with key stakeholders as the Europeana Foundation, FIAT/IFTA. EUscreenXL represents a considerable segment of Europe˘s creative industries and has a particular strong link to the public service broadcasting community.
URL http://www.blogeuscreen.nina.gov.pl/ 
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