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FrameWork SP6
Contract Number:
Full Name Accomodative Intelligent Educational Environments for Dyslexic learners
Duration 2006-2008 (36 months)
Description The AGENT-DYSL project addresses a main target of the eInclusion Strategic objective, which is the development of next generation assistive systems that empower persons with (in particular cognitive) disabilities to play a full role in society, to increase their autonomy and to realize their potential. To effectively contribute to this goal, the project focuses on the development of novel technologies and tools for supporting children with dyslexia in reading. Dyslexia has been chosen as the main disability to focus, since it is the most common cause of reading difficulty - it is estimated that one in 10 children is dyslexic. Despite the fact that several assistive reading software packages are available, there are prominent features, which the continuously evolving Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), especially the fields of knowledge technologies, semantic web, user-centric interfaces, information retrieval offer, that are absent from these tools. One of the main objectives of AGENT-DYSL is the incorporation of these prominent features into assistive reading software, and the move to the next generation of assistive software. The features include automated user modelling, age-appropriate and dyslexia-sensitive user interfaces, automatic user progress monitoring, automatic userĒs psychological and emotional state tracking, knowledge assisted reasoning and evaluation of information, personalized user interfaces that adapt to the individual requirements of each dyslexic learner.

Moreover, the project apprentices the role of accommodative educational environments in obtaining the best results for inclusion purposes; in particular it recognises that learnersĒ diversity is a strength for collaborative training environments (e.g., schools, education centres, work) and that heterogeneous communities (groupings) have a built-in dynamic that can bring about development in learners with widely different potentials and competence profiles. In this framework, AGENTDYSL also focuses on accommodative education environments for dyslexic learners, interweaving the above-mentioned technologies for evaluation of both the individual dyslexic learner and the context of the learning environment, with a pedagogical perspective and testing in three real environments in United Kingdom, Denmark and Greece.

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