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Project -
FrameWork ESPRIT / IST
Contract Number:
Full Name NeuroNet II
Participants IVML, King's College London, ERA Technology Ltd (UK), Universite Libre de Brussels (B), Universita di Genova (I), Technical University of Denmark (DM), Universitaet Bonn, Siemens AG (D), Universitie Pierre et Marie Curie (FR), University of Nijmegen (NL), Kungliga Tekniska Hogskolan (S), Helsinki Un
Budget €25000
Duration 2000-2001 (1 months)
Description NEuroNet is a "Network of Excellence" in Neural Networks. It aims to promote the field of Neural Networks within Europe, and in particular to encourage technology transfer. The main objectives for NEuroNet II are to set up Industrial Clubs to help make neural network technology accessible to industry and the prospect of Neural Networks in the next decade
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