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Project -
FrameWork SMT
Contract Number:
Full Name Calibration of Laser Doppler Blood Perfusion and Imaging
Participants IVML (GR), Technical Univ. of Twente, Univ. Hospital of Groningen (NL), Oxford Optronics, Moor Instruments (UK), Universita di Pisa (I), Hopitaux de Toulouse (FR), Karolinska Hospital, Malmo General Hospital, Linkoping University Hospital, Linkoping University Hospital, Perimed AB (S)
Budget €5700
Duration 1997-2000 (1 months)
Description The main objectives of our project are : standardisation of the instruments and standardisation of the usage of the instrument. Standardised instruments show comparable behaviour under the same circumstances, so the results are instrument-independent. It will be made possible to compare the present instruments with each other. For a number of applications, protocols will be developed that describe how to handle a standardised instrument. Following these rules increases the comparability of results.Protocols will be considered for applications such as plastic surgery (free flap monitoring), Raynauds phenomenon, Stimulus-response procedures for testing the nervous system.
URL http://www.tn.utwente.nl/eu-ldf/Aims.htm 
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