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E. Spyrou, E. Mathe, I. Vernikos, P. Dedousis, A. Vlachou, Ph. Mylonas
The VISOR project: Virtual coachIng Services for OldeR adults
4th South-East Europe Design Automation, Computer Engineering, Computer Networks and Social Media Conference (SEEDA-CECNSM 2019)
In this paper we present an approach for virtual coaching services. In brief, coaching consists a method for development, involving a coach and a learner and focuses on a specific goal. The coach supports, shapes, reinforces some desired behavior, by training and guidance, while the learner sets a goal of development, aims to achieve it by interacting with the coach. Moreover, health/life coaching is a means of achieving some health-related/wellness goals in order to enhance the well-being of individuals. We provide an end-to-end approach for virtual coaching. Our approach is IoT-ready and is based on the analysis of multimodal, multisensory data. Upon analysis of sensor measurements, decision making takes place and the users¢ behavior (activities, emotions, events etc.) is recognized. All these data are then used for virtual coaching, through the users¢ smartphone or smartwatch.
20 September, 2019
E. Spyrou, E. Mathe, I. Vernikos, P. Dedousis, A. Vlachou, Ph. Mylonas, "The VISOR project: Virtual coachIng Services for OldeR adults", 4th South-East Europe Design Automation, Computer Engineering, Computer Networks and Social Media Conference (SEEDA-CECNSM 2019)
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