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A. Papadakis, E. Mathe, I. Vernikos, A. Maniatis, E. Spyrou, Ph. Mylonas
Recognizing Human Actions using 3D Skeletal Information and CNNs
20th International Conference on Engineering Applications of Neural Networks, Crete, Greece, May 24-26, 2019
In this paper we present an approach for the recognition of human actions targeting at activities of daily living (ADLs). Skeletal information is used to create images capturing the motion of joints in the 3D space. These images are then transformed to the spectral domain using 4 well-known image transforms. A deep Convolutional Neural Network is trained on those images. Our approach is thoroughly evaluated using a well-known, publicly available challenging dataset, for a set of actions that resembles to common ADLs, covering both cross-view and cross-subject cases.
24 May , 2019
A. Papadakis, E. Mathe, I. Vernikos, A. Maniatis, E. Spyrou, Ph. Mylonas, "Recognizing Human Actions using 3D Skeletal Information and CNNs", 20th International Conference on Engineering Applications of Neural Networks, Crete, Greece, May 24-26, 2019
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