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G. Drakopoulos, Ph. Mylonas, S. Sioutas
An Architecture For Cooperative Mobile Health Applications
GeNeDis 2018, Toronto, Canada, 25-28 October 2018
Mobile health applications are steadily gaining momentum in the modern world given the omnipresence of various mobile or WiFi connections. Given that the bandwidth of these connections increases over time, especially in conjunction with advanced modulation and error-correction codes, whereas the latency drops, the cooperation between mobile applications becomes gradually easier. This translates to reduced computational burden and heat dissipation for each isolated device at the expense of increased privacy risks. This chapter presents a configurable and scalable edge computing architecture for cooperative digital health mobile applications.
25 October , 2018
G. Drakopoulos, Ph. Mylonas, S. Sioutas, "An Architecture For Cooperative Mobile Health Applications", GeNeDis 2018, Toronto, Canada, 25-28 October 2018
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