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Ph. Mylonas
Exploring the notion of context in medical data
Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, Vol. 989, Geriatrics, Springer International Publishing, P. Vlamos (ed.), DOI: 978-3-319-57348-9_4
Scientific and technological knowledge and skills are becoming crucial for most data analysis activities. Two rather distinct, but at the same time collaborating, domains are the ones of computer science and medicine; the former offers significant aid towards a more efficient understanding of the latter¢s research trends. Still, the process of meaningfully analyzing and understanding medical information and data is a tedious one, bound to several challenges. One of them is the efficient utilization of contextual information in the process leading to optimized, context-aware data analysis results. Nowadays, researchers are provided with tools and opportunities to analytically study medical data, but at the same time significant and rather complex computational challenges are yet to be tackled, among others due to the humanistic nature and increased rate of new content and information production imposed by related hardware and applications. So, the ultimate goal of this position paper is to provide interested parties an overview of major contextual information types to be identified within the medical data processing framework.
30 October , 2017
Ph. Mylonas, "Exploring the notion of context in medical data", Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, Vol. 989, Geriatrics, Springer International Publishing, P. Vlamos (ed.), DOI: 978-3-319-57348-9_4
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