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G. Caridakis, S. Asteriadis, K. Karpouzis
Non-manual cues in automatic sign language recognition
ABRA: Affect and Behaviour Related Assistance Workshop, 4th ACM International PETRA Conference, Crete, Greece, May 25-27
Present work deals with the incorporation of non-manual cues in automatic sign language recognition. More specifically eye gaze, head pose and facial expressions are discussed in relation to their grammatical and syntactic function and means of including them in the recognition phase are investigated. Computer vision issues related to extracting eye gaze and head pose cues are presented and a classification approach for recognizing facial expressions is introduced.
25 May , 2011
G. Caridakis, S. Asteriadis, K. Karpouzis, "Non-manual cues in automatic sign language recognition", ABRA: Affect and Behaviour Related Assistance Workshop, 4th ACM International PETRA Conference, Crete, Greece, May 25-27
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