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C. Peters, G. Castellano, M. Rehm, E. André, A. Raouzaiou, K. Rapantzikos, K. Karpouzis, G. Volpe, A. Camurri, A. Vasalou
Fundamentals of Agent Perception and Attention Modelling
Emotion-Oriented Systems, Cognitive Technologies, Springer-Verlag, Part 4, 293-319, 2011
Perception and attention mechanisms are of great importance for entities situated within complex dynamic environments. With roles extending greatly beyond passive information services about the external environment, such mechanisms actively prioritise, augment and expedite information to ensure that the potentially relevant is made available so appropriate action can take place. Here, we describe the rationale behind endowing artificial entities, or virtual agents, with real-time perception and attention systems. We cover the fundamentals of designing and building such systems. Once equipped, the resulting agents can achieve a more substantial connection with their environment for the purposes of reacting, planning, decision making and, ultimately, behaving.
12 May , 2011
C. Peters, G. Castellano, M. Rehm, E. André, A. Raouzaiou, K. Rapantzikos, K. Karpouzis, G. Volpe, A. Camurri, A. Vasalou, "Fundamentals of Agent Perception and Attention Modelling", Emotion-Oriented Systems, Cognitive Technologies, Springer-Verlag, Part 4, 293-319, 2011
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