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S. Asteriadis, K. Karpouzis, S. Kollias
Head Pose Estimation with One Camera, in Uncalibrated Environments
International Workshop on Eye Gaze in Intelligent Human Machine Interaction, IUI 2010
Head pose together with eye gaze are a reliable indication regarding the estimate of the focus of attention of a per- son standing in front of a camera, with applications ranging from driver¢s attention estimation to meeting environments. As gaze indication, eye gaze in non-intrusive or non highly specialized environments is, most times, difficult to detect and, when possible, combination with head pose is neces- sary. Also, in order to successfully track the rotation angles of the head, a priori knowledge regarding the equipment set- up parameters is needed, or specialized hardware, that can be intrusive is required. Here, we propose a novel facial feature tracker that uses Distance Vector Fields (DVFs) and, com- bined with a new technique for face tracking, successfully detects facial feature positions during an image sequence and estimates head pose parameters. No a priori knowledge regarding camera or environmental parameters is needed for our technique.
07 January , 2010
S. Asteriadis, K. Karpouzis, S. Kollias, "Head Pose Estimation with One Camera, in Uncalibrated Environments", International Workshop on Eye Gaze in Intelligent Human Machine Interaction, IUI 2010
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