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K. Rapantzikos, G. Evangelopoulos, P. Maragos and Y. Avrithis
An Audio-Visual Saliency Model for Movie Summarization
Proc. IEEE Int'l Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP-2007), Chania, Greece, Oct. 2007
A saliency-based method for generating video summaries is presented, which exploits coupled audiovisual information from both media streams. Efficient and advanced speech and image processing algorithms to detect key frames that are acoustically and visually salient are used. Promising results are shown from experiments on a movie database.
25 October , 2007
K. Rapantzikos, G. Evangelopoulos, P. Maragos and Y. Avrithis, "An Audio-Visual Saliency Model for Movie Summarization", Proc. IEEE Int'l Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP-2007), Chania, Greece, Oct. 2007
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