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A. Briassouli, Y. Xirouhakis, and A. Delopoulos
Recursive 3D Reconstruction under Orthography using Kalman Filtering
International Workshop on Synthetic-Natural Hybrid Coding and 3D Imaging (IWSNHC3DI'99), Santorini, Greece
In modern technological applications, machines that operate in three-dimensional environments have become extremely popular. Sophisticated systems, with the ability to extract the structure and motion of objects on the basis of certain 3D and/or 2D features, have resulted to a substantially new set of tasks; including, among others, 3D reconstruction and modeling. The recovery of 3D motion and structure, or the Structure From Motion problem (SFM), has been tackled by several authors, however the obtained results are reported to sur from noise. In this work, we investigate the improvement of depth estimates on the basis of multiple frames using a Kalman lter under orthography. Simulation results exhibit the environmentsciency of the pro- posed approach.
01 January , 1999
A. Briassouli, Y. Xirouhakis, and A. Delopoulos, "Recursive 3D Reconstruction under Orthography using Kalman Filtering", International Workshop on Synthetic-Natural Hybrid Coding and 3D Imaging (IWSNHC3DI'99), Santorini, Greece
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