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D. Vallet, Ph. Mylonas, M. A. Corella, J. M. Fuentes, P. Castells and Y. Avrithis
A Semantically-Enhanced Personalization Framework for Knowledge-Driven Media Services
Proc. of IADIS International Conference on WWW / Internet (ICWI '05), Lisbon, Portugal, October 19-22, 2005.
This paper describes a comprehensive framework giving support to a wide range of personalization facilities in a multi-media content management environment. The framework builds upon a rich, ontology-based representation of the domain of discourse, whereby content semantics are linked to a rich representation of user preferences. The expressive power of ontologies is used to develop automatic learning capabilities, in order to update user profiles as users interact with the system. The resulting descriptions of user interests in terms of ontologies are exploited, along with available content metadata, to provide users with personalized content search, browsing, ranking, and retrieval. On a wider perspective, the framework is built as an open platform that provides for further user and device adaptive capability extensions.
19 October , 2005
D. Vallet, Ph. Mylonas, M. A. Corella, J. M. Fuentes, P. Castells and Y. Avrithis, "A Semantically-Enhanced Personalization Framework for Knowledge-Driven Media Services ", Proc. of IADIS International Conference on WWW / Internet (ICWI '05), Lisbon, Portugal, October 19-22, 2005.
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