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A. Raouzaiou, S. Ioannou, G. Akrivas, K. Karpouzis and S. Kollias
Adaptation of Expression Analysis Based on Evaluation Principles
Fourth European Symposium on Intelligent Technologies and their implementation on Smart Adaptive Systems (Eunite 2004), Aachen, Germany, June 2004.
This paper examines the problem of facial expression analysis in an evaluation-adaptation framework. In this paper, we are proposing a new approach, where the basic method is combined with a (post-processing) evaluation subsystem, which evaluates the obtained features and defines facial features that are to be refined. Anatomical constraints related to both 2-D and 3-D facial models are used for this purpose. Experimental results are presented, obtained in the framework of the ERMIS IST project, which illustrate the suc-cess of the proposed approach for extraction of facial features and expression analysis from low quality real life data.
18 October , 2004
A. Raouzaiou, S. Ioannou, G. Akrivas, K. Karpouzis and S. Kollias, "Adaptation of Expression Analysis Based on Evaluation Principles", Fourth European Symposium on Intelligent Technologies and their implementation on Smart Adaptive Systems (Eunite 2004), Aachen, Germany, June 2004.
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