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M. Wallace, K. Karpouzis, G. Stamou, G. Moschovitis, S. Kollias, C. Schizas
The Electronic Road: Personalised Content Browsing
IEEE Multimedia 10(4), pp. 49-59, 2003 [With correction in 11(1), pp. 53-53, 2004]
Conventional search engines locate terms in queried documents without taking into account their actual semantic content. Search engines also retrieve multimedia documents that arenąt necessarily related to each other by semantic continuity. An efficient content-browsing system based on semantic content analysis, user profiling, and adaptation could provide users with more effective content-browsing capabilities.
01 October , 2003
M. Wallace, K. Karpouzis, G. Stamou, G. Moschovitis, S. Kollias, C. Schizas, "The Electronic Road: Personalised Content Browsing", IEEE Multimedia 10(4), pp. 49-59, 2003 [With correction in 11(1), pp. 53-53, 2004]
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