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S. Kasderidis, J. G.Taylor, N. Tsapatsoulis and D. Malchiodi
Drawing Attention to the Dangerous
in Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN'03), Istanbul, Turkey, July 2003
In this paper we present an architecture of attention-based control for arti .cial agents.The agent s responsible for monitoring adaptively the user n order to detect context switches n his state.Assuming a successful detection appropriate action will be taken.Simulation results based on a simple scenario show that Attention s an appropriate mechanism for implementing context switch detector systems.
13 July , 2003
S. Kasderidis, J. G.Taylor, N. Tsapatsoulis and D. Malchiodi, "Drawing Attention to the Dangerous", in Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN'03), Istanbul, Turkey, July 2003
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