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G. Tsechpenakis, N. Tsapatsoulis and S. Kollias
Probabilistic Boundary-Based Contour Tracking with Snakes in Natural Cluttered Video Sequences
International Journal of Image and Graphics, Vol. 4, No. 3 (2004) 469-498
In this paper we revisit one of the most popular deformable templates for shape modeling and object tracking, the Snakes, and we propose a modified snake model and a probabilistic utilization of it for object tracking. The proposed method consists of two main steps: the extraction of the �uncertainty regions� of each object in a sequence, and the estimation of the mobile object contours. The term �uncertainty regions� is used to describe the regions in a frame where moving contours are possible to be located, whereas the estimation of the contours consists of an energy minimization procedure based on the proposed snake energy terms, inside the extracted uncertainty regions. Picking out the correct curve, representing the contour of the moving object in the current frame, is obtained as the solution of an energy minimization problem, which is reformulated to a force-based curve evolution. The individual terms that form the total energy to be minimized, along with the corresponding forces, are appropriately defined and justified. Special attention has been drawn to complex natural (indoor and outdoor) sequences, where temporal clutter and external lighting changes are crucial for the accuracy of the results. A variety of image sequences are used to illustrate the method�s capability, providing qualitative explanation as well as experimental verification in specific tracking problems.
25 December , 2004
G. Tsechpenakis, N. Tsapatsoulis and S. Kollias, "Probabilistic Boundary-Based Contour Tracking with Snakes in Natural Cluttered Video Sequences", International Journal of Image and Graphics, Vol. 4, No. 3 (2004) 469-498
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