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A. Delopoulos and S. Kollias
Optimal Filterbanks for Signal Reconstruction from Noisy Subband Components
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 44, no 2, pp. 212-224, Feb. 1996
Conventional design techniques for analysis and synthesis filters in subband processing applications guarantee perfect reconstruction of the original signal from its subband components. The resulting filters, however, lose their optimality when additive noise due, for example, to signal quantization, disturbs the subband sequences. We propose filter design techniques that minimize the reconstruction mean squared error (MSE) taking into account the second order statistics of signals and noise in the case of either stochastic or deterministic signals. A novel recursive, pseudo-adaptive algorithm is proposed for efficient design of these filters. Analysis and derivations are extended to 2-D signals and filters using powerful Kronecker product notation. A prototype application of the proposed ideas in subband coding is presented. Simulations illustrate the superior performance of the proposed filter banks versus conventional perfect reconstruction filters in the presence of additive subband noise
01 February , 1996
A. Delopoulos and S. Kollias, "Optimal Filterbanks for Signal Reconstruction from Noisy Subband Components", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 44, no 2, pp. 212-224, Feb. 1996
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