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G. Moschovitis, K. Karpouzis and S. Kollias
Virtual worlds modeling for Web Deployment
Proceedings of the IEEE MELECON 2000 Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, Nicosia, Cyprus, May 2000
The Web has recently been transformed from a static text-and-image medium to a broadcasting system with full multimedia capabilities. Larger network bandwidth and home computer advancement have contributed to that tremendous progress; this change also means that web content needs constant upgrading, in order to keep up with the ever-growing demands and possibilities. The major evolution, with respect to the nature of the web-deployed content, is 3D virtual worlds rendering and navigation. Traditionally, creation and rendering of such content has required expensive workstations, running equally expensive software and exploiting dedicated hardware. Major developments in the semiconductor industry resulted in drastic reduction of hardware cost. The advent of new rapid application development systems promise similar reductions of the cost associated with software development. Eddie the editor is a 3D modeling application implemented with Java. The application fully exploits some impressive features of the Java language including rapid application development possibility, binary portability to numerous platforms, object-oriented methodologies for the design and implementation of the software, robustness and a dynamic object graph. Various subsystems and commands are encapsulated in autonomous objects that can be extended or replaced at runtime by the end user. The graphical user interface was constructed using the Swing API. The graphics engine utilizes OpenGL as a low level interface for geometry transformation and rasterization hardware.
01 May , 2000
G. Moschovitis, K. Karpouzis and S. Kollias, "Virtual worlds modeling for Web Deployment", Proceedings of the IEEE MELECON 2000 Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, Nicosia, Cyprus, May 2000
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