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W. Fellenz, J. Taylor, N. Tsapatsoulis and S. Kollias
Comparing Template-based, Feature-based and Supervised Classification of Facial Expressions from Static Images
Computational Intelligence and Applications, World Scientific and Engineering Society Press, 1999.
In this paper we compare the performance and generalization capabilities of different low-dimensional representations for facial emotion classification from static face images showing happy, angry, sad, and neutral expressions. Three general strategies are compared: The first approach uses the average face for each class as a generic template and classifies the individual facial expressions according to the best match of each template. The second strategy uses a multi-layered perceptron trained with the backpropagation of error algorithm on a subset of all facial expressions and subsequently tested on unseen face images. The third approach introduces a preprocessing step prior to the learning of an internal representation by the perceptron.
15 May , 1999
W. Fellenz, J. Taylor, N. Tsapatsoulis and S. Kollias, "Comparing Template-based, Feature-based and Supervised Classification of Facial Expressions from Static Images", Computational Intelligence and Applications, World Scientific and Engineering Society Press, 1999.
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