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G. Drakopoulos, M. Marountas, X. Liapakis, G. Tzimas, Ph. Mylonas, S. Sioutas
Blockchain for Mobile Health Applications Acceleration with GPU Computing
Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, Volume 1194, Springer Nature, Switzerland
One response to the need for additional computational power was the development of hardware aiming at massive parallelism through special purpose GPUs along with the associated software which can take advantage of such specialized hardware and can orchestrate the appropriate sequence of computations to derive the desired result. Google TensorFlow, a low-level framework whose primary unit is a tensor, namely, a multidimensional array, belongs to this category. The primary objective of this chapter is to concentrate and succinctly present the ways TensorFlow and GPU computation in conjunction with blockchain can empower applications in the domains of digital health and insurance market. As a secondary objective, the computational capabilities and the dataflow model of TensorFlow are analysed.
26 June , 2020
G. Drakopoulos, M. Marountas, X. Liapakis, G. Tzimas, Ph. Mylonas, S. Sioutas, "Blockchain for Mobile Health Applications Acceleration with GPU Computing", Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, Volume 1194, Springer Nature, Switzerland
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